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Cybots Ancestors

How did Cybot evolve?

Cybot is based on the design of the Seven Dwarf Robots, which were created in Reading University. Their main purpose was to introduce schools, high schools and colleges to robotics engineering.
The dwarves were later updated with a sonar system, much the same to that of Cybots, which enabled them to avoid obstacles, and could also learn for themselves, and share this information with the other Dwarves to help them establish a map of their own surroundings, directly over the internet strangely enough!
Cybot is the result of a year long partnership between Eaglemoss Publications and the University who created the Seven Dwarves.
Another of Cybots ancestors are the Intellibot's at the Science Museum in London, which is very similar to Cybot in which it can be expanded easily and has sensors like Cybot.
-what a family!


One of the Seven Dwarves.

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